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Stainless Steel Security Screens

Unlike traditional screens which are made with materials such as lightweight metal or wood frames and a thin mess fabric; stainless steel screens are made with aluminum frames and stainless-steel wire mesh.

Why Stainless-Steel Screens? For Protection, of course!

Would you like to feel the breeze traveling through your home during the evening hours? This can be difficult today with the threat of break-ins. With stainless steel screens, you have less to worry about in these scenarios. They act as an added barrier to intruders who are used to standard, flimsy screens that pop out or can be easily cut.

There are other elements stainless steel screens are useful for. These screens are great for those who have children. It keeps them from falling out of windows when playing near them. Golf ranges are known for flying golf balls. Stainless steel screens provide a barrier between your house and flying objects.

In South Florida and the Caribbean, there is something that all homeowners and businesses owners face: animals. Rodents and other animals can easily breakthrough traditional screens, but not stainless-steel screening. Why not call Ardicon Group today for your complimentary quote?

Additional Services

Please browse our extensive list of services that Ardicon Group provides. In addition to quality products and workmanship, Ardicon Group is also EPA Lead Safe Certified. We train all staff how to protect our clients from the dangers of lead poisoning.

Request Your Free Quote Now!

Ardicon Group is happy to offer a complimentary quotation for services along with an appointment. Please contact us below to schedule yours.

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